If your question is not answered here, please send us an email at mail@nailpolis.com. We aim to respond to all messages within 24 hours.
Yes, of course you can! Nailpolis automatically makes any links in your nail art descriptions clickable. No. You can post as many designs as you’d like. You may post photos of nail art and swatches that are created by you and photographed by you (or someone who has taken the photo for you but given you the permission to use it freely). Nailpolis is a community for original nail art. Please respect other nail artists and refrain from uploading material that infringes on proprietary rights, including but not limited to the copyrights of any third party. No. You can post as many designs as you’d like. Yes. Due to the nature of internet sharing, we recommend that you take these precautions to ensure that your artwork is always credited to you. We encourage you to keep your watermarks visible but unobtrusive, so that they do not intefere with the viewer’s experience of appreciating your nail art. See Paulina’s Passion and Nail Polish Wars for some examples of good watermarking. No. You retain all rights in the content that you post to Nailpolis. Without this part of the terms, Nailpolis would not exist as a museum, community, or service. We can only share and feature your talents with these permissions. Here are examples of how your work is “reproduced” or “modified” for the purpose of operating Nailpolis: We respect your rights and the hard work you put into your creations. Our Terms & Services were drafted with full respect to your creative work. We take your intellectual property rights very seriously. If the content that a member has posted infringes your copyrights or intellectual property rights, please file a DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice to mail@nailpolis.com. The detailed steps to filing a DMCA Copyright Infringement Notice can be found here. Not at the moment, but we will make an exception for outstanding individuals. Yes. We are looking to expand our development, design, and user experience team. We are based in New York City, and prefer to work closely as a team (this includes physical proximity). We are looking for extremely highly-motivated individuals who can adapt comfortably to a fast-paced entrepreneurial environment. If you are a engineer or designer with a strong appreciation for art, please get in touch with us at mail@nailpolis.com. “Art is what it is to be human.” At Nailpolis, we believe that artistic expression is one of the most important and underrated components of the human experience. In our daily lives, acts of artistic expression are often overlooked or undermined in importance. Nailpolis is about celebrating art and empowering artists. We are building a community that encourages creativity and expression around nail art. Why nail art? They say that creativity comes from constraint. Our members have demonstrated that creativity can flourish even on a canvas as tiny as your fingernails. Nailpolis is about reminding you how great creativity feels. Nail art is fun, therapeutic, and exciting. We’re all familiar with the joy of staring at our beautifully painted nails. Our members know that nail art is one of the most effective cures for a bad mood. Our members come from all parts of the world, some have been creating nail art for years, and some have only just started out. That’s why we showcase all types of nail art: from simple and spectacular designs that beginners can create to complex designs for those looking for a challenge. Nail art is a mode of art that is accessible to anyone. No one has an excuse to not try it out! Nailpolis is about inspiring you to become an artist and never stop making art. Nailpolis has been in beta since January 10th, 2014. We’re currently a small team, but we are looking to expand (see: Are you hiring?). Our founding team consists of: Michelle Lin, our CEO, frontend developer, and designer. Tina Hung, our CMO. Wayne Lin, our CTO and backend developer. We also have a network of brilliant advisors that cover a broad range of expertise. If you are interested in an advisory role, please do not hesitate to contact us. Nailpolis is the world’s first online museum dedicated to showcasing nail art. All nail art featured on Nailpolis is original content created by Nailpolis members. Sign up for Nailpolis to showcase your nail art in the museum. At the moment, Nailpolis does not support Internet Explorer. We recommend switching to a browser such as Google Chrome for the best experience.Uploading Content
Can I link back to my blog posts?
Is there a limit to the amount of nail art I can post?
What content am I allowed to post?
Is there a limit to the amount of nail art I can post?
Can I add watermarks to my images?
Protecting your artwork
If I post my content, do I lose my copyright?
Why does your terms & services say that Nailpolis can “reproduce” and “modify” our content?
What should I do if find someone using my image without your permission?
Careers at Nailpolis
Do you have internship positions open?
Are you hiring?
About Nailpolis
What is the story behind Nailpolis?
— Seth Godin, The Icarus DeceptionWhen did Nailpolis start?
Who is behind Nailpolis?
What is Nailpolis?
How can I showcase my nail art on the museum?
Issues & Bugs
I’m using Internet Explorer. Why isn’t _____ working?
I’m using Safari/Mozilla/Google Chrome. Why isn’t _____ working?